Every year, Valentine's Day on February 14 puts the spotlight on the happiness loving. Businesses benefit too, sales of gifts are often a boon after an initial, often somewhat mixed, start to a new year. But why is this day called as it is, who is this Valentine and why may his name symbolically stand for all lovers and beloved? So that we also know what exactly it is about Valentine's Day, we grant in this Secondhandbags blog article we will give you a brief overview of the history and meaning of this holiday of love!
Already in ancient Rome, festivals were celebrated in the second week of February, which appreciated nature, fertility and also love, which is close to it. The cold season is almost over, spring can no longer be stopped and hope for an end to the deprived time germinates. A reason to celebrate! In which form the festivities derive historically exactly from each other is unclear, but a spring festival at which also lovers are not rare forms a basis for both holidays!
In 469, the Roman Emperor Gelasius established Valentine's Day...which from then on was dedicated to Saint Valentine. By the way, the Roman church has several saints with the name of Valentine. Thus, it is not even clear exactly which Valentine was originally meant. It was assumed for a long time that Gelasius honored with Valentine's Day a donor named Valentine, who financed a basilica for a saint named Valentine. The existence of Valentine is still today in the foggy and is meanwhile doubted by historians. Therefore, Valentine's Day has not been an official part of the Roman general calendar since 1969. Later, the church took up the message of Valentine's Day and church services are held again on this day, where married couples are also blessed.
Some of our favorite Valentine's Day highlights:
The first association with love created Geoffrey Chaucer in his poem "Parlement of Foules" in 1382, he described in it Valentine's Day in a dreamy form: He draws a spring-like picture with birds choosing their partners on this day. In Shakespeare's Hamlet from the 1600s, Ophelia also sings about spring and love and hopes to be a "Valentinethat is, to fall in love and find a partner.
Early documentation of February 14 as a celebration of love on the French side can be found in the Charter of the Court of Love from 1400. In it, the French king Charles VI kept a record of festivities at court and recorded the names of those involved. For February 14, i.e. Valentine's Day, in addition to these dates, the fact is also recorded that in addition to a feast, there were also competitions on love songs and poetrywere held and dances were performed. Many historians see these events as the first planned and recurring celebrations of Valentine's Day on a larger scale.

So already since the 15th century in England and France Valentine's Day is celebrated as a festival of love. Incidentally, Valentine's Day arrived in the German-speaking world via detours:Many emigrated Britons took their customs overseas with them to America and so Valentine's Day was celebrated there long before. After the Second World War, trends and culture spilled back across the ocean to Europe. The first Valentine's Ball in Germanywas celebrated in Nuremberg in 1950. In the years that followed, this festive day became established. The flower industry, in particular, has relied on the customary high-turnover day for decades. Cut flowers are the gift badly, the breath of spring, as ever.
Over the centuries existed a Tradition of greeting cardsOnly with the digitalization, the annual immense amounts of mail reduced and there are now also many digital greetings sent.
Today, Valentine's Day is celebrated in many places around the world and has largely left its religious roots behind.. The day is still firmly intergated in congregations of the Lutheran Church and the Anglican Communion. In some Orthodox churches, a feast day is celebrated later in July in honor of saints named Valentine. In China, however, a "lovers' festival "is celebrated on February 14. Astronomical conspicuities and overlaps of constellations are the anchor of the feast day there and therefore take place on the same day. It meets the constellation of the cowherd to the constellation of the weaver! Its a match! In Spain and South America, the "Día de los enamorados", "Day of the Lovers" is also celebrated. In South Africa, on Valentine's Day, people wear clothes in the colors white and red, symbolizing purity and love.
Some of our most beautiful Valentine's Day highlights:

Valentine's Day really took off in the last 50 years. In the UK, for example, a good half of the population are willing to spend money on gifts and flowers on this day. It's no wonder that the time leading up to it is used extensively to market chocolates, flowers and other accessories such as jewelry in a targeted manner. In 1868, a chocolate manufacturer from Great Britain designed the first heart-shaped box of chocolates, a stroke of luck for many a forgetful person who may have snatched one on the way home. A trend that continues to this day. Valentine's Day is thus in a row with other quite commercialized days such as Father's Day and Mother's Day. This is not to diminish the value of these days of course, after all, it is important to honor what you love and that should be expressed. When, in what form and to what extent you do that is up to everyone. It should make you happy!
Malicious tongues say that the pressure of expectation of the participants on Valentine's Day is often too high. Likewise, many people feel the day as said a little too commercialized. As a main reason for a total rejection of Valentine's Day is called above all, it is more important over the year to maintain constantly a good relationship with proximity and mutual undertakings as well as attentions.Some people also feel somewhat incapacitated by gifts and prefer to value their freedom to decide what exactly they want and when. Many potential participants also simply forget Valentine's Day unconsciously.
Singles, of course, unfortunately, also can not participate. In recent years, however, anti Valentine's Day parties have become established, where singles celebrate together extensively and turn on the wheel of fortune of their lives!
We wish you all the best and believe in love! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us, we look forward to meeting you! :)
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Your Secondhandbags team!